Leadership System


Become a powerful and well-oiled organisation

Our Whole Systems Approach

The Leadership System™ is a systemic approach to leadership development. Designed to increase individual and collective leadership effectiveness dramatically. The Leadership System delivers long-term, deep, and effective growth.

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Built on Adult Learning Theory, the Leadership System is a system of interlocking and reinforcing components that, taken together, accomplish more than any single-component solution could. This is its power.

Leadership System Components

The Leadership System consists of five major components, each reinforcing and adding to the others.

The ability to develop leaders capable of navigating in an increasingly complex world is a strategic priority and competitive advantage.



Discovery & diagnosis, organisational communication, the Leadership Circle Profile™ administration, client relationship management, etc. Beginning with the most comprehensive example of a single Leader to Leader™ workshop, we meet clients where they are and help them to become more effective.

Promise of Leadership

The Promise of Leadership workshop

A half-day or full-day workshop that frames a collective view of leadership functioning as the kick-off for our Leadership System™. It embeds our Core Leadership Framework™ to guide all development work delivering Leadership Circle Profile feedback in a group context. It begins the feedback assimilation process and organises the next steps.

Leader to Leader

16 Leader to Leader Modules for Leader Cohorts in real time

A cohort-based series of half-day or full-day leadership effectiveness sessions that can span years of work. Built on the Universal Model of Leadership™ framework, 16 available sessions encompass a full curriculum of hard-hitting leadership topics providing regular opportunities for peer coaching and accountability. Each session can be delivered face to face or virtually.

Peer Coaching & One-on-One Coaching

Peer Coaching & One-on-One Coaching

Every engagement is enhanced by peer cohort and one-on-one coaching. The payback for leaders is worth the investment. The combination of peer cohort coaching with one-on-one leadership coaching has a compounding effect.

Working in Teams and Collective Groups

Working in Teams and Collective Groups

Adding to your tool kit, Leadership System includes access to our Team Effectiveness Assessment and Collective Leadership Assessment. Each of these tools are designed for developing teams of leaders at scale toward greater creative leadership effectiveness and results, creating lasting and sustainable transformation.

The Leadership System Foundation

The 6 Systems

Scaling Leadership and Our Whole Systems Approach

In their book, The Whole Systems Approach, Bill and Cindy Adams detail six interlocking systems that must be tended to during major organisational change. Ensuring that these six systems are aligned and functioning is the responsibility of the organisation’s leadership.

The Leadership System™ is a leadership development system, designed to increase individual and collective leadership effectiveness. While doing so, help them to increase the effectiveness of the other systems.

Built on Adult Learning Theory

Underlying the design of the Leadership System™ is adult learning theory. David Kolb in his landmark work, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, positioned that four linked styles of learning are necessary for adults to learn and change.

Concrete Experience +

Adults utilise experiences as anchors for learning. We like to learn from work and life. Therefore, our Leadership System™ connects directly with the real challenges and objectives of leaders at every turn and every conversation.

Reflective Observation +

We learn as we reflect on our experiences to derive meaning from them. As an experience is filtered through our structure of mind, a narrative is created giving the experience unique meaning. In the best learning experiences, we reflect on the experience from a variety of angles, giving us a broader perspective. The Leader to Leader™ cohorts help to provide valuable perspective for each member as they make meaning out of their experiences.

Abstract Conceptualisation +

As an experience is reflected on from a variety of angles, a generalisable theory, principle, or concept emerges. A “rule of thumb” about what to do in certain types of leadership situations begins to solidify.

Active Experimentation +

In this step, the leader takes the new lesson and puts it into practice through a series of behavioural experiments. For example, if the lesson concerns authentic conversations, the leader will commit to having an authentic conversation during key circumstances, thereby opening the door to more authentic conversations. A generative cycle begins.

Embed the Leadership System in Your Organisation

Get started with Leadership Circle today.