The concept of narrative identity is emerging as a cutting-edge aspect of leadership development that is crucial for top leaders to explore and embrace. For experienced leaders who have already honed their skills, delving into the realm of narrative identity can serve as the launching point to reaching new heights of effectiveness and impact. In this post, we will explore what narrative identity is, its significance for leadership, and how it can empower leaders everywhere to harness their full potential, inspiring and driving positive change within their organizations.

Understanding Narrative Identity

At its core, narrative identity refers to the personal stories we construct about ourselves, which help us to make sense of and create our experiences, beliefs, values, and goals. It encompasses the narratives we create about our past, present, and future, shaping our self-perception and guiding our actions. These narratives not only influence our lives overall, but play a pivotal role in how we lead and interact with others.

State, Story, and Stage

The three core elements of narrative identity—state, story, and stage—are interrelated. “State” refers to our physiological state, i.e., how our autonomic nervous system gets activated or triggered as a reaction to certain situations. State impacts “story,” the internal monologue running through our minds that makes sense of what’s happening around us and how we react to it. Our physiological state impacts our story, and vice versa. “Stage” refers to our stage of development as a leader and person, and how we make sense of the world and our place in it. By starting to unpack these aspects of ourselves, we can utilize specific tools to understand and choose if and how we’d like to move toward self-authorship as leaders.

Why Is Narrative Identity Important for Effective Leadership?

Writing Your Leadership Story

Will what got you here, get you to where you want to go? The power of the narrative identity framework is that it helps us explore and process the unconscious stories we tell ourselves that underpin our behavior, and then empowers us to decide whether or not they serve us. By understanding how these stories are formed and how they drive our behavior and leadership style, we have the opportunity to rewrite them to fit our true goals.

Self-Awareness and Authenticity

Leaders who understand their own internal stories gain deep self-awareness, recognizing their strengths, areas for growth, and personal motivations. Embracing one’s unique story models authenticity, which inspires trust and respect in colleagues and team members. Authentic leaders are more relatable, approachable, and capable of building genuine connections with their employees, leading to enhanced engagement and productivity.

Vision and Purpose

An individual’s narrative identity plays a significant role in defining their sense of purpose and vision for the future. Effective leaders harness this power by aligning their personal values with their organization’s goals. When a leader’s narrative identity is in harmony with their company’s mission, they can articulate a compelling vision that inspires others to share in the journey and work toward common objectives.

Resilience and Adaptability

Leaders who understand and embrace their narrative identity are better equipped to navigate challenges and setbacks. By recognizing past experiences of overcoming adversity, they can draw strength from their own story, fostering resilience and the ability to adapt in the face of uncertainty. This resilience also sets an example for their team, instilling confidence in times of crisis or change.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Narrative identity cultivates empathy and emotional intelligence in leaders. Understanding their emotions and experiences enables leaders to empathize with the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of their team members. Those who achieve this are more skilled at resolving conflicts, providing support, and creating a welcoming and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and understood.

Inspirational Storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in leadership. Leaders who can articulate their narrative identity and connect it to the organization’s mission can captivate and inspire their teams. These leaders can craft stories that resonate deeply with their employees, motivating them to push themselves and promoting a high-performance culture.

Organizational Culture

A leader’s narrative identity can influence the culture of their organization. When leaders align their personal values and beliefs with those of the company, they establish a strong cultural foundation. This alignment leads to a shared sense of purpose and fosters a positive work environment where employees are proud to belong. Leading by example and utilizing development frameworks, such as narrative identity, helps to create a positive, open, psychologically safe workplace culture that promotes self-development, self-awareness, and authenticity. Strong work cultures, in turn, impact job satisfaction, productivity, and retention rates.

Legacy and Long-Term Impact

Narrative identity also affects a leader’s legacy. By consciously shaping and aligning their actions with their core values, leaders can create lasting impacts on their teams, their organizations, and society. A leader who is remembered for their authenticity, empathy, and vision will inspire future generations of leaders to follow a similar path, leaving a positive mark on the world.

Embracing Narrative Identity in Leadership

Reflect on Your Personal Journey

Take time for self-reflection to understand your personal journey and the significant events that have shaped your values and beliefs. Consider how these experiences have influenced your leadership style and decisions.

Align With Organizational Values

Evaluate whether your narrative identity aligns with the values and mission of your organization. If there is a disconnect, work toward bridging the gap and fostering a stronger alignment between your personal values and those of the company.

Share Your Story

Engage with your team through storytelling, sharing relevant aspects of your narrative identity that can inspire and motivate. Be authentic and vulnerable when appropriate, as it fosters a sense of connection and trust.

Encourage Employee Narratives

Create a culture that encourages employees to explore and share their own narrative identities. Acknowledge and celebrate diverse perspectives, encouraging an inclusive environment where everyone’s story is valued.


In conclusion, narrative identity is a powerful framework that can elevate your leadership approach. Understanding and embracing your own personal story allows you to lead with authenticity, purpose, and empathy, driving positive change and fostering a high-performance culture within your organization. By recognizing the significance of narrative identity in leadership, you can leave a lasting legacy and inspire future generations of leaders, propelling global businesses and society toward a brighter future.

Anna Chatburn is head of marketing for the Asia-Pacific region for Leadership Circle. With a background in nonprofit, education, startup, and corporate marketing roles, she has held numerous positions in the UK and Australia focusing on social media, digital, SEO, and innovation-related content.

Learn More and Explore Your Own Narrative Identity


Discover the transformative power of narrative identity and unlock your highest leadership potential! Join us for an enlightening event led by esteemed narrative identity and leadership expert Steve Athey, founding senior partner at Leadership Circle.

APAC Leadership Circle Mini Conference 2023 Keynote: The Power of the Narrative Identity Framework for Advancing Leadership

6 September in-person in Sydney, Australia, and online via live-stream
This keynote and Q&A will explain how our past experiences create the stories that shape our behavior and leadership style, forming our sense of purpose and unity in life and work. This event is part of the Leadership Circle Asia Pacific Mini-Conference and can be joined by anyone. If the time doesn’t suit your time zone, you are welcome to register and receive the recording.

Learn how your identity forms your leadership, and how you can start rewriting your narrative for advanced personal growth and professional development. Unpack the core elements of narrative identity to enhance your own leadership capability, empower your teams, and drive positive change. Don’t miss this opportunity to start creating your imagined future as a leader.

Register now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!

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Anna Chatburn

Author Anna Chatburn

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