White Papers

Are you an Integrated Leader?

Unlocking Eve + Leadership Circle

Achieving this ideal requires a clear path forward, and our research is dedicated to advancing this vision. This report, the third in our series on Integrated Leadership, is designed to help leaders address a crucial question: “Are You an Integrated Leader?”.

In doing so, this report details how Integrated Leadership can be understood, identified, measured, and cultivated. Further, for the first time, we introduce the Integrated Leadership Diagnostic (ILD), offering leaders a new way of measuring leadership integration. Our aim is to help leaders understand where they are in their integration journey and evaluate their progress toward becoming fully integrated leaders.

Integrated Leadership-Unlocking the Future of Leadership

Unlocking Eve + Leadership Circle

Compelling insights from global leaders about how to lead change, achieve impact, and heal the world: a case study in healthcare

Integrated Leadership-The Pathway to Transforming Healthcare and Healing the World

Unlocking Eve + Leadership Circle

The traditional models of thought and leadership that we have relied upon are ill-equipped to address the intricacy and complexity we encounter today.

Recent research has suggested the presence of a female leadership advantage. By exploring the leadership qualities of female leaders, we begin to understand how to unlock leadership potential by focusing on what makes them successful.

Our research demonstrates that leadership effectiveness is not just limited to natural skills within female leaders; it can be cultivated by any leader, making leaders of any gender more successful.

The Future of Leadership is Integral Informed by Unity

Bob Anderson

At this most pivotal time in human history the challenge leaders face is way beyond VUCA. The challenge for leaders today is to righten civilization, to literally re-invent society from the ground up; From first principle—Unity; From zero point. The current order is imploding. It no longer works.  We know that going back to normal is a catastrophe. Leadership is now compelled to take responsibility for the welfare of the whole planet. Integral Leadership is required.

Executive Coaching Services in Organizations

Tim Theeboom & Suzanne Kietselaer

Seven Critical Factors for Setting up Successful Executive Coaching Services in Organizations

The guidelines described below are based on qualitative data obtained from interviews with 6 experts in the field. All respondents were senior executives who were either the initiators of the coaching services in their organizations and/or were in charge of the management of internal “coachpools”. These coachpools differed in size (ranging from 8 to 400 coaches), as did the organizations (2000 – 30.000 employees). The respondents came from different sectors (governmental institutes (x2), healthcare (x2), banking and travel-industry). The data was collected using a combination of semi-structured and structured interviews (on- and offline).

The Leadership Circle: A Brief History

Bob Anderson

From the basement beginnings to the transformational force that it is today, this is the story of how the Leadership Circle has emerged as the new standard for leadership development.

The Leadership Circle: Breakthrough Leadership Assessment Technology

Bob Anderson

Introducing a significant advancement in state-of-the-art leadership assessment and development, the Leadership Circle Profile is the first competency-based 360° profile to measure behavior at various stages of adult development. It links patterns of action with habits of thought to organize information into a developmental system based on some of the best theoretical frameworks in the leadership, psychological, and spiritual literature. It also displays information in a way that immediately draws attention to the most critical information in the feedback.

How Does the Leadership Circle Profile Compare to Other 360° Assessments?

Leadership Circle

This short write-up describes how the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) compares to other 360° assessment tools.

Understanding the Differences in Reactive and Creative Orientations Between Female and Male Leaders

Cynthia Adams & Lani Van Dusen

As more females assume leadership roles in organizations, it becomes increasingly important to understand orientations to leadership, the skills they bring, the challenges they face, and the impact they have as compared with leaders who identify as male so that gender norms, expectation, and bias do not restrict opportunity. Unfortunately, current research is often contradictory and/or the methodology is too simplistic to capture the complexity of gender differences, leaving room for multiple interpretations of the findings. Many studies have drawbacks or limitations that restrict the insights that can be gleaned. Studies often employ non-standardized measures, conducted with small or narrowly focused samples. There is an over-reliance on self-assessments without any correlation to how leaders actually perform. Further, most studies focus on only one aspect of leadership and very few assess both style and effectiveness.

The Spirit of Leadership

Bob Anderson

Discover how improving the internal operating system of the leader creates extraordinary leadership. More than just skill development, the consciousness required to deploy one’s leadership in ways that are well matched to the complexity of the organizational challenges makes all the difference.

Instrument Validation Study

Bowling Green State University

This white paper contains an independent study of The Leadership Circle Profile conducted by IPRA, a consulting group within the Industrial Organizational Psychology Department at the Bowling Green State University in Ohio. The study concludes that, “[The] Leadership Circle Profile is an internally consistent, valid measure for leadership development [and] the results of this independent investigation suggest that [the] Leadership Circle Profile is quite acceptable for developmental purposes.”

Leadership Circle and Organizational Performance

Bob Anderson

Dive deeper into the research outlined in “The Leadership Circle: Breakthrough Leadership Assessment Technology.” The research dramatically shows how the Leadership Circle Profile graphically displays the aggregate results from among the 486 leaders in the study whose business performance was rated best and worst. This paper presents powerful evidence that changes in leadership behavior, as measured by the Leadership Circle Profile, are very likely to translate into increased leadership effectiveness and thereby, bottom-line business performance.

Leadership: Uncommon Sense

Bob Anderson

Build your case for the necessity of an in-depth approach to leadership development–at all levels of the organization–accompanied by the difficult work of systems change. Tackle the tough terrain of leadership development–the major disciplines that need to be integrated into one’s life for genuine development to take place.

Mastering Leadership

Bob Anderson

Break from old patterns and begin embodying a new, preferred state of an organization. Learn to pay attention to the deep personal changes that are required of people at every level rather than the level of consciousness, thinking, and behavior that gave rise to the old culture.

Reactive to Creative

Bob Anderson & Bill Adams

Two major movements happen in the self (in its inner game) as it transforms from Reactive to Creative Leadership. The first movement has to do with a shift in how we optimize the tension between purpose and safety. In the second parallel movement, identity shifts from the outside-in to the inside out.

No Safe Path to Leadership

Bob Anderson

The purpose of this article is to introduce a few of the key frameworks that form some of the architecture of the Leadership Circle Profile.”

Pathways to Partnership

Bob Anderson

Discover a model for changing beliefs, enabling managers to more fully embody the principles of a new system in their behavior. Understanding this model is essential in accelerating organizational change by helping managers at all levels gain insight into the nature of their character structures.

A Conscious Practice of Becoming

Cindy Adams

After 26 years of supporting leaders in these endeavors, I have learned that leaders can only lead from the “place” of their own development. In other words, where we are, is where we are. We grow and change as we see differently, recognize our own faulty narratives, and develop critical new awareness’s that over time generate more complex meaning-making systems and higher states of consciousness equipping us for new behaviors and results.

REIMAGINE - The X-Factor for Agile Transformation

Dave Schrader, PhD

Much has been written and said about the need to become more agile these days. And it’s no wonder, given the overwhelming amount of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity). To adapt to an environment of continuous change, one thing is clear: the old models of leadership and organization are falling far short of what’s needed.

Agreement in Self-Other Ratings of Leadership Effectiveness: The Role of Demographics and Personality

Bob Anderson

Personality and demographic attributes for a set of 1,221 focal managers were examined as correlates of leadership effectiveness evaluations that were obtained via a 360-degree feedback program.

The Sacred Geometry of The Leadership Circle Profile and the Universal Model of Leadership: Toward a Physics of Leadership

Bob Anderson

The Leadership Circle’s Universal Model of Leadership (UML), the dynamic polarities within it, and its correlation matrix is found to be consistent/coherent with core scaling geometries. Human beings pattern their identities and the dynamics of their interaction to the same geometries. These findings lend significant credence to the universality of the model. The Universal Model of Leadership is shown to be a zero-point structure.

The Essence of an Agile Organization

Peter Stoppelenburg

An Agile organization is an organization that is High Performance or excellent and at the end of the day, the objective is to reach your purpose and achieve your ambitions. The Agile philosophy is based on a mindset, structure, and way of working that determines its route to becoming a High- Performance Agile Organization. The Agile philosophy makes an organization faster and more flexible and provides a great capacity to adapt to changing circumstances. It increases the capacities and effectiveness of the organization and its people.

Neurodiversity in Leadership

Brooke Trenwith

This paper has been developed to support coaches to understand the possible impact of neurodiversity when interpreting the Leadership Circle Profile (LCP). It will provide some generalized issues to be aware of when doing a debrief with someone who identifies as being neurodivergent.

A Universal Model of Leadership

Bob Anderson and Bill Adams

We must accelerate the pace at which we can develop leaders for the complex realities of today’s business environment. The pace of development must at a minimum keep pace with the rate of change and escalating complexity. This is the Leadership Agenda facing most organizations. Current approaches to developing leaders are not up to this challenge. The field of leadership development is a random collection for very good theory and research, but is completely unintegrated. This leads to a piecemeal approach that has a poor track record.

Daily Habits of Exceptional Leaders

Padraig O’Sullivan & Roma Gaster

Padraig O’Sullivan and Roma Gaster, past Partners of The Leadership Circle based in Sydney, Australia, led a groundbreaking study into revealing and understanding the daily habits of exceptional leaders. In effect, the study uncovered what exact habits have these leaders cultivated outside of work that allows them to turn up in work in their leadership positions and lead in an exceptional manner.

Dive Into the Universal Model of Leadership

Bob Anderson and Bill Adams

Our Universal Model of Leadership helps explain how extraordinary leadership develops and how to accelerate its development. Many well-intentioned improvement initiatives fall short of intended results because leaders fail to account for the transformation in consciousness required to create and sustain high performance.