As a new school year unfolds around the U.S. and in many parts of the world, we are reminded of the crucial role that mentors play in shaping the lives and futures of those they guide. Whether in the classroom or the workplace, the influence of a mentor is profound and far-reaching.

Here we are at the end of August and the beginning of another school year, and I’d like to take a moment to talk to the adults in the room. To the parents and teachers and coaches. To the grandparents, advisors, and managers. To the troop leaders and church elders, and to anyone who has a young person within their sphere of influence.

To you, I say: Once more unto the breach, old friends.

By virtue of our presence in their lives, the young people within our circles have access to a wealth of resources. And we, as leaders, have not only the opportunity but the responsibility to make those resources available to them. Experience. Knowledge. Maturity. Perspective. Wisdom. These are the currency of mentorship, and we are called to be mentors.

This is no inconsequential aspect of leadership. Mentoring someone is not the same as teaching or training them; it’s fostering their growth, encouraging their potential, and helping them navigate their path. Whether you’re mentoring a student, a new team member, a friend, or a colleague, as a mentor, your role is to serve as a catalyst for their development.

With your support, those you mentor gain confidence to face challenges, embrace learning, and pursue their aspirations with energy and optimism. You engage them in an ongoing dialogue that challenges them to think broadly, feel deeply, and act with intention. You’re not just imparting wisdom, you’re empowering others to embark on lives of great purpose and meaning, while helping them make sense of their journey along the way. Your mentorship is a gift, one that enriches the lives of those around you and leaves an enduring legacy.

The start of a new school year serves as a metaphor for the fresh beginnings that mentorship can inspire. I encourage you to reflect on your own mentors—those who have shaped you, challenged you, and believed in your potential. How you will pay their gift forward? Who around you will benefit from your guidance, your experience, and your belief in them?

Let this be the moment we rise to mentor those who will shape the future, and let our legacy be that we helped bring forward their greatness.

-Bill Adams, Co-Founder & CEO

Bill Adams

About: Bill loves people and is passionate about relationships, leadership, and business. He is a serial entrepreneur who has started, owned and sold multiple businesses. As a founder and the current CEO of Leadership Circle, Bill brings thirty years of experience to his clients – the CEOs of major Fortune 500 corporations, non-profits, and private equity start-ups. In addition, Bill co- authored “Mastering Leadership” and “Scaling Leadership.” As a trusted advisor, teacher, consultant, and coach, he works with CEOs and top teams in fulfilling the promise of leadership.

Bill Adams

Author Bill Adams

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