The Aikido of Embodied Presence and Dialogue



The Art of Collective Intuition

On the Leadership Circle Profile, in the true north position, is authenticity—essential for leaders, coaches, and consultants. The art and practice of this dimension is one of the Six Leadership Practices described in Mastering Leadership. We call that practice Authentic Dialogue. It is about showing up fully with each other in conversations where insight is gained and truth is spoken. This takes courage and mastery.

Dialogue is a unique form of authenticity (that we use with senior teams) wherein we allow the field of greater intelligence to speak through us—to inform us in precisely those areas where we are seeking breakthrough insight and innovation. Dialogue is the capacity to drop into a deep state of embodied presence together and listen to what wants to emerge from the field. It is a foundational practice for integral leadership, coaching, and consulting.

This three-day workshop is based on a model of integral leadership developed by Bob Anderson that represents an emergent leadership paradigm capable of integrating and supporting the practices through which integral leaders lead and develop. It is founded on the presumption, if not the direct realization, of the inherent conscious and intelligent unity of all things. While we will not cover all aspects of this model, for more on this framework, see “The Future of Leadership Is Integral: In-formed by Unity.”

White Paper

In this workshop we will progress through a series of individual and group activities designed to enable direct Unitive experience, out of which arises the capacity to embody collective sensing, speaking, and acting. Grounded in our individual presence, together we will explore speaking and moving sourced from the collective field of awareness. Using exercises (both physical and energetic) derived from the martial art of Aikido—the art of compassionate, harmonious power—we will practice our way into a deeply embodied and agile state of presence.

From this state, we will practice together the art of collective intuition. We will practice simultaneously being present and centered (within the self) while deepening relational connection in action. This practice coheres a resonate field that can be accessed intuitively, informing our dialogue with innovative insight and wisdom. Whole-hearted presence invites Unitive awareness—the conscious, loving, intelligent unity inherent in, and fundamental to, reality.

What We'll Do

This workshop focuses on three things: Embodied Presence, Dialogue, and Manifesting Envisioned Futures. Through a series of somatic, experiential, and reflective exercises, you will learn how you can:

Deepen Embodied Presence

  • Gain instant access to deeper presence, awareness, intuition, and common sense, especially in difficult situations.
  • Use energetic presence practices for becoming more grounded, powerful, compassionate, and authentic when under pressure.
  • Become a more creative, generative, and reconciling presence.
  • Through the power of your presence, generate and hold a field for what wants to happen (higher intention).
  • Tune into the subtle information in a group’s or organization’s energy field to be informed about how to facilitate/lead what is emerging.
  • Access and trust intuitive insights in the moment.
  • Create the inner conditions for deep inquiry, authenticity, vulnerability, depth, and dialogue.

Engage in Dialogue

  • Discern between dialogue and discussion on the discourse spectrum.
  • Using all of the above, create the conditions and resonate field for dialogue.
  • Feel/Sense together into the field of complex challenges and possibilities.
  • Generate insights and breakthroughs in thought, perception, and outcomes for the world.
  • Use dialogue circles as a generating system for seeing new possibilities, strategy, system design, culture, products, and services.

Manifest Envisioned Futures

  • Access the quantum field of all possibility at very high frequencies (greater energy and information density, faster processing, and shorter timeframes) to declare for and accelerate the manifestation of intended results through collective action.
  • Operate at multiple levels simultaneously: sensing and feeling systems, and influencing people, teams, and systems without force of will and without imposing your opinions or positions.
  • Access power that is simultaneously sourced by your vision and from the larger fields of which you are a part.
  • Work with the energies and forces that are present rather than combat, avoid, or overcome them; in other words, use what appear as obstacles to your advantage.

As consultants, we are often called to design and facilitate dialogue processes with our clients.  This workshop will briefly cover the technical and process-oriented aspects of dialogue, but our main focus will be on all the above—developing the inner awareness, practices, and sensitivities that are foundational to the dialogue process.


Workshop sessions will take place in person, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (except Friday, which will conclude at 4 p.m.), at the dojo located at 9333 N. 49th St., Brown Deer, WI 53223. As a courtesy to fellow cohort members, participants are expected to be present the entire time.

  • Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023
  • Thursday, Nov. 16, 2023
  • Friday, Nov. 17, 2023



Cost includes all three days of workshop sessions.


Register Here

Related Workshops

This workshop complements our Integral Coaching and Energetic Coaching workshops. Taken together they are a powerful and deep dive into Unity Informed Integral Leadership, coaching, and consulting.

Integral CoachingEnergetic Coaching

Chris Thorsen

Chris Thorsen has advised senior leaders for more than 50 years. He is a pioneer in the application of Aikido, The Art of Peace, and Bohm’s Dialogue to the embodiment of leadership mastery, team synergy, and organizational strategy. Chris has developed a practice for helping executive teams intentionally generate and sense the field of creative breakthrough innovation. In so doing, he’s helped technology companies lead their industries and international policy institutes establish their global presence.

Joel Yanowitz

Joel Yanowitz holds a fourth-degree black belt in Aikido. He has more than 35 years of experience as a coach and advisor. His approach integrates inner and outer development. Joel has helped countless business leaders drive growth, improve innovation, and build thriving cultures, and has hands-on experience launching and running companies. He was the co-founder and managing director of Innovation Associates, the firm that pioneered the field of organizational learning and brought the prestigious work of Peter Senge’s book The Fifth Discipline to organizations worldwide.

Bob Anderson

Bob Anderson is co-founder of Leadership Circle and its chief knowledge officer. Bob has been a pacesetter in the field of leadership development for more than 30 years. He created The Leadership Circle Profile, a 360-degree assessment used by organizations worldwide, to measure the effectiveness of their leaders (individually and collectively), chart a pathway for their development, and assess their progress as they develop. He is the co-author of Scaling Leadership and Mastering Leadership.

“At this most pivotal time in human history, the challenge leaders face is way beyond VUCA.  The challenge for leaders today is to righten civilization, to literally re-invent society from the ground up; From the first principle—Unity; From zero point. The current order is imploding. It no longer works.   We know that going back to normal is a catastrophe. Leadership is now compelled to take responsibility for the welfare of the whole planet. Integral Leadership is required.””

Bob AndersonChief Knowledge Officer | Co-Founder