Extraordinary Performance
There is nothing more important to executing strategy and creating a thriving culture than how the leadership team functions. Team accelerator offers the insights and practical strategies needed for this to occur and elevate leadership team performance.
Increased Potential
The dynamics of teams can either generate or disrupt the energy needed for success. These sit below the surface and determine a team’s effectiveness. Team accelerator offers proven methodologies to get below the surface and transform your team’s potential.
Intelligent Collaboration
The point of being a team is to achieve something together that can’t be accomplished apart. Team accelerator creates powerful conversations that produce a quality of intelligent collaboration that is rare, setting a new standard for what’s possible together.
A Series of 12 Team Practices
Team Accelerator consists of 12 individual team practices. These practices are designed to be flexible and to meet the needs of the team right now. They do not have to be done in specific order. Some don’t even need to be done at all.
It really is that flexible.
Each step is designed to meet the unique challenges of your team, transform the team dynamic and impact organizational outcomes. We’ve spent decades developing and refining these practices with distinguished leadership teams around the world. They have been informed by rigorous research and data so that when teams deploy them, change is immediate. In short, these practices build effective leadership teams quickly and sustainably.
What You Need
Most teams start with a BRITE team assessment to give them some direction on their gaps and prioritize which practices to start. (Find out more about BRITE here.)
After setting a clear direction for growth, Team Accelerator walks the team through a series of structured practices and team coaching experiences focused on the real, strategic opportunities facing the business today. These practices can be scaled up or down, depending on the acceleration you need.
Whatever the ambition, Team Accelerator provides the tools and pathway to create momentum and impact.
Listen to Our Experts
Managing Director Consulting Services APAC & Team Accelerator Practice Lead Global
Frequently Asked Questions
What Can I Expect from Team Accelerator?
Leadership teams can expect an increase in the creative energy of the team and a renewed sense of confidence on how to achieve success.
What if I’m Already Using Leadership Circle Assessments?
If you’ve used BRITE, LCP or CLA, Team Accelerator is the next logical step. Seamlessly integrated into your current development journey, Team Accelerator extends and deepens the impact of your previous development investment.
Can I use Team Accelerator with Any Team?
While possible, Team Accelerator is built primarily for leadership teams. The exercises lean into the challenges that leadership teams face and how to meet them directly.
Do I Have to Take an Assessment for this to Work?
No. Team Accelerator can be started with or without an assessment, but we highly recommend starting with BRITE. Your Leadership Circle Coach can also advise other assessment solutions that can support you along the team journey.
How Long does it take?
We work with your team leader to craft a bespoke program based on the outcomes of the BRITE assessment. What emerges is an integrated team assessment and program focused directly on the needs your team is facing today.
Your program can be a focused, single session, or an ongoing series of team coaching sessions. Either way, Team Accelerator is easy to implement and creates immediate impact.
Team Accelerator Sessions Built on the BRITE Team Assessment Platform.
Team Identity
Goal Alignment
Sharing Mindsets
Shared Role Expectations
Responsibility & Accountability
Building the Right Structure
Courageous Authenticity
New Team Leader Assimilation
Origin Stories
Creating Safety and Cohesion
Fast & Deep Learning
Operational Rhythm
Processing Information
Impeccable Commitments
Healthy Disagreement
Empowered Decision Making